abaplint updated to 2.113.0
2024-08-29abaplint has been updated to 2.113.0, which includes 3 new rules
abaplint updated to 2.112.0
2024-07-19abaplint has been updated to 2.112.0, which will provide more precise syntax errors, and have less cascading errors
Disabled annotations links
2024-05-25Disabled annotation issues now links to the source code
Procedural vs OO stats
2023-12-01Procedural vs OO stats added, Example
Parallel file changes
2023-11-12Parallel changes to identical filenames across active pull requests are now reported as observations
Object types statistics
2023-11-08Object type statistics added,
Void types sorting
2023-10-22Clicking the headers in the void types table will now sort the table, click again to change direction, try it out
Intra class call graph
2023-10-19Display call graph between methods internally in a class,
Introducing Target Rules
2023-10-01Keep the code moving forward, see documentation for details
More and better suggestions
2023-07-16More quick fixes will now trigger suggestions in the pull requests, plus bugfixes
Average complexity & method length
2023-07-10Average cyclomatic complexity & average method length added as new insights
More historical stats
2023-07-09Number of unit tests over time, plus a new graph comparing lines and unit tests over time has been added.
Lines over time
2023-04-27Lines over time statistics added,
Updated to abaplint 2.98.0
2023-04-27abaplint.app has been updated to 2.98.0, this includes new rule select_single_full_key
Updated to abaplint 2.97.0
2023-04-04abaplint.app has been updated to 2.97.0, this includes new rules strict_sql and fully_type_itabs.
Method complexity statistics
2023-03-12Method cyclomatic complexity has been added as a new statistics page.
Cloud compatibility
2023-03-08The void type statistics now includes release, depcrecation and successor information,
Package coupling changes
2023-02-03Package coupling diagrams with dependencies into subfolders will now display as blue.
UML diagram footers added
2023-01-17UML diagrams will now include a footer with the SHA1 plus timestamp when it was generated.
New package diagrams
2023-01-07Package coupling diagrams are now generated as SVGs,
New configuration option noArtifactsOkay
2022-12-14New confiugration option "noArtifactsOkay" abaplint-app.jsonc, which allows skipping the error for no ABAP artifacts found
Updated to abaplint 2.94.1
2022-11-30abaplint.app has been updated to 2.94.1, this includes new rule unnecessary_return and more quick fixes.
UML diagram max size increased
2022-09-24Large UML diagrams have previosly been skipped, now an error is shown, plus the max size has been doubled.
Updated to abaplint 2.93.0
- rule cds_comment_style
- rule change_if_to_case
Updated to abaplint 2.92.1
2022-08-28Some skip settings have been changed, check release notes
Disabled rules, updates
2022-08-17The disabled rules statistics will now indicate if the rules are disabled or undefined in the configuration.
If the rule is undefined, the code enabling the rule can be copied to clipboard,
Updated to abaplint 2.91.0
- rule superfluous_value
- rule cds_legacy_view
Updated to abaplint 2.89.0
2022-04-19Note the following new and renamed rules,
- new rule slow_parameter_passing
- new rule classic_exceptions_overlap
- new rule no_inline_in_optional_branches
- renamed rule pragma_placment -> pragma_style and extended
- renamed rule check_no_handler_pragma -> unnecessary_pragma and extended
- renamed rule local_testclass_location -> local_testclass_consistency and extended
sci.abaplint.app deprecated
2022-04-15The sci.abaplint.app endpoint is now considered deprecated, and service has been terminated.
Docker image https://hub.docker.com/r/abaplint/abaplint-backend is still maintained, but must be run on own infrastructure.
Database migration completed
2022-03-23abaplint.app now runs on a different database platform, no expected impact to users.
Job numbers will start at 1, the old database managed to complete 207425 jobs.
In case of any questions or bugs please email [email protected]
Cross repository syntax check before merge
2022-02-19Based on the repsitory relations, abaplint.app will now trigger cross repository syntax checks for all pushes to pull requests. The feature is immediately available for both public and private repositories. For additional information refer to the documentation.
More hardware, faster results
2022-02-18The hardware running abaplint.app has been updated, customers should experience faster check runs.
Database key field changes reported as observations
2022-02-17Adding or removing key fields for transparent database tables are now reported as observations.
Listing repository relations
2022-02-10All repositories will now have their dependencies listed, example:
Minor documentation updates
2022-01-25Minor updates to abaplint.app Documentation
abaplint.app is continiously updated to use the latest abaplint, since the last update, the following rules have been added,
- 2.84.0, new rule omit_preceding_zeros
- 2.83.0, new rules no_aliases & prefer_corresponding
- 2.82.0, new rule static_call_via_instance
Running multiple configurations
2021-12-19By adding a configuration file abaplint-app.json in the repository root,
{ "configurations": { "default": { "filename": "./abaplint.jsonc" }, "v740sp05": { "filename": "./abaplintonprem.jsonc" } } }multiple configurations will be analyzed, and reported accordingly,
abaplint 2.81.0 published
2021-11-22Including the following new rules:
Updated to abaplint 2.80.0
2021-11-03abaplint.app is continiously updated to run the latest abaplint.
Today abaplint 2.80.0 was released including a new rule align_parameters
New Observation - Database field changed
2021-10-14This new observation helps discovering database changes during ABAP code review and impact analysis.
Field types that are changed, added or removed is reported.
This new observation is enabled by default for all repositories using abaplint.app
Updated to abaplint 2.77.2
2021-08-28abaplint.app has been updated to abaplint 2.77.2, note that rule "many_parenthesis" has been renamed to "many_parentheses"
abaplint 2.76 released
2021-07-26New rule cyclic_oo published
abaplint 2.75 released
2021-07-16abaplint 2.75.0 has been released with a new rule unused_ddic, this rule can help finding artifacts which are not referenced statically.
Observations, zero output
2021-05-22A new feature "Observations" is in development, it will output a check run to each pull request, but not report any error status.
Updates, Week 20
2021-05-19abaplint.app will now give an error "No ABAP artifacts found" if no ABAP files are found.
abaplint.app has been updated to run the latest abaplint, which have had numerous updates containing bugfixes.
The version can be found in the check run log.
abaplint.app available on GitHub Marketplace
2021-04-20abaplint.app is now available on GitHub Marketplace Setup #ABAP static analysis and continious integration in just a few clicks, with:
- Large ruleset
- Pull request integration
- Extra code insights